Ball Clover Excellent for Honey Bees! Ball
clover blooms over a period of 7 to 8 weeks and has a high density of
bloom (840 blooms per yard)... Ball clover is an excellent honey plant,
and bees show a strong preference for it over other true clovers. — S. E. McGregor U.S. Department of Agriculture
ball clover appeared to have the most complete set of favorable
attributes in this environment (i.e. yield, reseeding ability, grazing
tolerance, and a growth season that extended into the summer).” — Dr. Richard H. Watson Extension Forage Specialist Mississippi State University Scientific Name | Trifolium Nigrescens | Life Cycle | Annual | pH | above 6.5 | Temperature | Good Cold Tolerant | Production | Spring to early Summer | Plant | October - December | Depth | 1/8 -1/4 inch. | Seed Rate | 4 Lbs Per Acre | Inoculant | rhizobium bacteria "B" for Clover |