Planting instructions:
• Broadcast 50 to 100 lbs. per acre on plowed ground
• Grain drill 60 to 75 lbs. per acre on a ploughed ground for winter forage
Grain rye comes up early in the season and is widely used for
windbreaks, erosion control and for weed suppression. Its wide-ranging
root system makes it one of the best green manures for improving soil
It is an excellent soil renovator and pioneer crop for new fields as it
stabilizes excess soil and manure nitrogen. Grain rye can grow up to
four to five feet and is very fast to establish, producing deer feed in
as little as fourteen days in ideal conditions. This winter grazer rye
grain is preferred by deer, turkey and rabbit.
Florida 401 rye is a small grain most widely used for winter grassing.
Rye is more cold tolerant than oats and generally produces more forage
than either oats or wheat.
Do not plant too early but wait until the cool weather begins. Grain rye
varieties from northern states will produce little forage in late fall
or early winter and will usually be severely damaged by leaf rust.
Therefore, only plant varieties recommended for the south eastern United
Sometimes a grass or grain may be planted as a wind barrier to protect
food crops like tomatoes. It is planted between the rows of the food
crop to grow taller and therefore shield the food crop from the damaging
effects of strong wind. Florida 401 is an excellent choice for winter
wind barrier applications.