Rackmaster Deluxe Fall Deer Mixture
Rackmaster deluxe fall mixtures contain many annual grasses mixed
with annual legumes for attracting deer, quail, and turkey. These fall
mixes are regionally developed to provide the best plantings your money
can buy for your area. These cool season plots are important to help
your deer herd build up the carbohydrates needed as stored fat to
survive the harsh winter months.
Maintaining good body condition through the rut and the winter
stress season will mean the difference in your overall management
program. Wintergrazer 70 rye, Arrowleaf clover, Crimson clover, wheat,
oats, and Austrian winter peas are just a few of the ingredients you may
find in the regionally developed Rackmaster mixtures.
- Rate: 100 lbs./acre or 2 1/2 lbs./1000 sq. ft.
- Depth: 1/4"
- Deer
- Turkey
- Rabbit
- Quail