Pennington Mohawk Bermuda Grass SeedDeveloped by Dr. Lincoln
Taylor at Virginia Tech, Mohawk is one of the most cold tolerant
bermuda varieties available. It is high yielding and can be used for
both grazing and hay production. When compared to other popular seeded
bermudas, Mohawk is a proven top performer. With superior cold
tolerance, it is well adapted from the southern areas of California,
Oklahoma and Missouri, east to Virginia.
Type: Warm season perennial
Across the southern 1/3 of the U.S. from California to Virginia. Mohawk
is well-suited to sandy soils but will thrive in most well-drained loam
Uses: Mohawk can be used for both grazing and hay production throughout the spring and summer months under good management practices.
Planting: Rate: 15 lbs./acre
Late spring through early summer when soil temperatures at a 4"
depth are 65°F or above. Plow and cultipack to develop a firm seedbed.
Proper firmness is indicated by a heel print no more than 1/8" deep in
the soil.
Depth: 1/8" depth maximum.
Fertilizer: Apply
lime, phosphorus and potassium ferilizer according to soil test
recommendations. Apply 20-30 lbs/A of nitrogen at planting time. When
the new plants begin to develop runners, apply an additional 50-60 lbs/A
of nitrogen.
Management: Delay grazing newly established
bermuda until forage is 8" to 10" tall. On established bermuda stands,
apply 50 - 75 lbs/A of nitrogen for each cutting of hay. If grazed,
apply up to 150lbs. of nitrogen per year in split applications
throughout the summer. The last nitrogen application each year should
be made a minimum of 6-8 weeks prior to the expected date of a killing
frost to help prevent cold injury. Do not graze or clip for hay shorter
than 2". Rotate animals more often during periods of drought stress.