Subdue GR Granular Fungicide
Subdue GR is a systemic fungicide for use in ornamentals; turf; nonbearing citrus grown in nurseries
and as landscape plantings; conifers grown in nurseries and plantations, including Christmas trees;
and nonbearing deciduous fruit and nut trees in nurseries.
For control of damping-off, and root and stem rot diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora, use
Subdue GR on container, bench, or bed-grown ornamentals in greenhouses or outdoor nurseries, and
for professional use on ornamentals grown for indoor and outdoor landscaping. Use this product
either as a soil surface application or pre-potting growing media mix on ornamentals at the time of
seeding and transplanting. Within a rate range given for a specific group of ornamentals, use the
lower rate for the shortest interval listed and the higher rate for the longest interval. Under severe
disease conditions, use the highest rate and the shortest interval.
Rate of use:
Ornamentals: Between 6 - 125 oz. over 1,000 sq. ft. depending on plants being treated. See product label for full details.
Turf: Between 12.5 - 25 oz. over 1,000 sq. ft. depending on disease being treated.
Active Ingredients: Mefenoxam - 1%